Feeling Supported

Feeling Supported

Thanks to everyone who has written me in support and sympathy as a result of my removal as an LLL leader from LLL of IL.  Your kind words have made a difficult situation more tolerable.

I’ve been thrilled to receive many offers from other Areas, both within the U.S. and internationally, to join their ranks and affiliate with them.  I’ve been assured that I would be welcome to serve in these Areas and that they have no intention of forcing their leaders to choose one breastfeeding organization over another.  It’s going to take me a little time to sort out the details, but I’ll make it public when I determine which will be my new Area.

In the meantime, I’m hoping we can right this wrong.  I encourage every La Leche League member and leader who agrees with me that a new liability insurance policy is in order to contact LLLI’s Board of Directors and make your opinion known.  Hopefully we can convince them of the destructiveness of making us choose one organization over another.  With enough support, we may be able to make La Leche League International once again an organization that supports all those who help breastfeeding mothers.  

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