Online Training for Providers & Aspiring IBCLCs

95-Hour Self-Study CCLS Lactation-Specific Course

LactaLearning—created by Nancy and Michigan IBCLC/educator Barbara Robertson—elevates lactation education with a new holistic approach to breastfeeding training that balances head and heart. Along withe CCLS credential, at our course, you receive the tools you need to provide more compassionate care to better emplower and support the families you help.

What else sets LactaLearning's online CCLS course apart from the others? A welcome alternative to endless PowerPoints, its dynamic learning environment:

  • Features the format you prefer: podcasts, short videos, infographics, animation, and more 
  • Offers you a direct connection to Nancy and Barbara via regular Zoom check-ins and easy ways to ask them questions about lactation topics and practice
  • Follows exactly the topic outline for the IBLCE exam to make it easier to study areas of interest or topics that need more of your focus
  • Includes our course textbook, Nancy's comprehensive Breastfeeding Answers PDF edition 
    To learn more, watch our short video below and click on the pink button. 




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