Infographic for Baby's Caregiver

I’m delighted to announce the release of the third of three infographic I created with the fantastic people at Noodle Soup. Currently available only in the U.S., these two-sided sheets (one side English, the other Spanish) come in pads of 50. They are ideal for busy parents who want quick, cut-to-the-chase guides that are also lovely to look at.

 For Baby’s Caregiver, the latest infographic, describes specific ways caregivers can support nursing families, including how to pace bottle feeds to avoid overfeeding while mother is away.

 Also available from Noodle Soup (click on the titles for order information) are:

  • Pumping Primer, a simple guide to expressing milk that includes the most important points needed for successful pumping.

  • Working & Breastfeeding, an overview of the key details that enable working and nursing families to meet their long-term feeding goals.