Breastfeeding Answers, Second Edition

TO ORDER, CLICK HERE. It’s been a long 2 years! But now the labor is finally over and delivery is imminent. What am I delivering? A 6-pound comprehensive resource for lactation specialists. And let me tell you, the labor was a doozy! In addition to reviewing more than 4,000 studies and rewriting nearly every page in gender-inclusive language, I expanded the content of Breastfeeding Answers, Second Edition by adding more than 30 extra pages and more than 200 new images.

When I began this project, I sat down with my book designer and discussed how we could make this gigantic tome more compact. But even after doing everything we could think of with its layout to reduce its size, due to the immense amount of new information added, this second edition is even larger than the first, growing from 930 to 960 pages. Whew! For some of the highlights, see the flyer below.

Breastfeeding Answers, Second Edition began shipping its hardcover edition the second week of June (to order, click HERE. For bulk orders, scroll down on its store page for volume discounts. Links to our booksellers outside the US are at the top of each store page.

The e-book editions for the Kindle and other devices are now available for download HERE.

See our store for details on secure online ordering. If you have any questions, please contact customer service at

Global and Personal Surprises

Just 8 weeks before finishing this second edition, it seemed as if we were cruising toward an awesome book launch. But wait. Just as this project neared completion, the whole world changed. I’m not sure I could have picked a worse time than a coronavirus pandemic to release a new book. But on the other hand, maybe the cancellation of so many live events will increase the appeal of an updated resource packed with new lactation strategies. Fingers crossed!

A more personal surprise also occurred as we were preparing to wrap. One evening, as I re-watched the one video my family recorded when our now-adult sons were small, I had a strange realization. I saw my much younger 1989 self announce that I was writing a new book for La Leche League International with the working title The Breastfeeding Management Handbook. Later retitled The Breastfeeding Answer Book, as I digested that scene, it suddenly occurred to me that I’ve been working on one version of this book or another for nearly my entire adult life. My oldest son Carl calls it my magnum opus and seems resigned to the fact that no matter how many years pass, I just can’t seem to stop working on it.

My Aspirations for This Book

Whatever edition of this book is on my plate, I always begin with the lofty goal of reflecting as accurately as possible the lactation zeitgeist of that time. I strive to put my own opinions and prejudices aside and allow myself to be guided by the research and the wisdom of my world-class reviewers and the other gifted colleagues I consult when wrestling with an especially thorny issue.

I hope you find the 2 years of blood, sweat, and tears I poured into this new edition well spent. My fondest hope is that you will discover in its pages strategies, techniques, and approaches that make you more effective at helping the nursing families who seek your guidance and care

Stay safe and healthy everyone, and happy reading!
