Sore Nipple Infographic Debuts

Today’s busy families want lactation information that is quick, easy, and lovely to the eye. That’s why I joined forces with the talented people at Noodle Soup to create for those in the U.S. a series of infographics on some of the most in-demand lactation topics.

 I’m thrilled to announce a new addition to this series! The #2 reason new parents give formula and wean prematurely is nipple pain. This new infographic—“Sore Nipple Basics”—directly addresses this problem and offers guidance on ways to achieve comfortable nursing. My hope is that it will help more families meet their feeding goals.  

All five of my infographics come in tearpads of 50 with one side in English and the other side in Spanish. You can find all five on one page HERE, or you can click on the titles below to link to their order pages on the Noodle Soup website.  

Sore Nipple Basics Includes positioning and latching strategies that can reduce pain, as well as other possible causes of nipple pain and who to contact for help.

Is Baby Getting Enough Milk?  Includes reliable signs that baby’s milk intake is adequate, expected feeding patterns in nursing newborns, and the most common false alarms. 

Working & Breastfeeding  The most important aspects of working and breastfeeding that nursing families need to know to meet their long-term feeding goals.

Pumping Primer  A simple guide to expressing milk that includes the key points needed for successful pumping.

For Baby’s Caregiver  Ways caregivers can support nursing families, including how to pace bottle feeds to avoid overfeeding during the workday.